Sharon Evans was born in the United States in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
In 1983, she became a permanent resident in France, after having lived successively in England, Nepal and India.
Singer, song writer, composer, professional musician, Sharon recorded 5 albums with her own group as well as collaborating with other artists as lead singer, back-up vocalist and/or percussionist. You can hear some of her work on her web site here: http://www.sharonevans-music.com/
Her music allowed her to travel extensively, meet people from different cultures, hear stories from all over the world and write about her experiences. The transformation from troubadour to storyteller happened naturally.
In 2005, after hearing a storyteller-musician in Paris, she felt compelled to explore new directions. From this moment on, she passionately collected stories, studied their origins, and adapted them in her own particular way as much by her oral style as by the musical compositions she created to accompany them.
Sharon's universe is very personal, always poetic, often amusing. Her repertoire consists of traditional stories, myths and legends, as well as her own original stories. Using over thirty years experience as a singer, song writer and musician, (percussions & guitar), Sharon has developed a specific way of integrating rhythm into her stories as well as exploring the articulation between narration and music.
" Sharon Evans presence communicates a rare sensitivity and strength. Through the marriage of words, songs and music, she subtly weaves a universe nourished by her love of travelling, her spiritual quest, as well as her need to understand each one of us."
Here are a few important experiences on her story-telling path :
Sponsored by UNESCO, Sharon is one of 30 storytellers chosen to create a story to celebrate 140 years of the Alliances Françaises.
Every year for the past 12 years, Sharon returns to the United States in order to honor her commitment to participate in the Native-American cérémony : Sun Dance . As a water-pourer, she leads the Inipi (sweat lodge) ceremony every month and regularly performs Hambleycia (vision quest). Her performances are nourished by her experiences. She lives each story "from the inside".
Sharon regularly does the sound journeys.
Tours for the départmental network of Lacq d'Orthez and Pau-Béarn-Pyrénées. (2021)
Sharon became a membre of the board of directors of the Coyote Institute. https://www.coyote-institute.org/
Sharon continues to study with Barbara Mainguy et Lewis Mehl-Madrona : 'Healing through stories. (2012-2020)
Sharon was invited to story tell and sing one of her original compositions by Peter Blum at the festival "Music & Sound Healing". (2020)
Tours for the network of libraries in and around the city of Reims en 2019.
Participates in the exhibition "Feu" for La Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie in Paris.
Records guided visits for the Najac Museum en 2018.
Participes in pedigogical projecte with schools in her region(Villefranche de Rouergue, Najac, Saint André de Najac) in 2017/2018.
Tours for the network of libraries in the Seine et Marne en 2017.
Sharon story tells for the guided visit of Najac by night (August 2017 - 2019).
Sharon continues to return to the States yearly in order to enrich her repertory of Native American songs and stories.
Sharon participated at the festival RIAPL (Rencontres Itinérantes des Arts de la Parole et du Langage) at Brazzaville et Dolisie (The Republic of Congo.)
Sharon participated in the 10th edition of the festival Lire et Dire Pour le Plaisir in Martinique organized by the association Virgul'. She enjoyed performing 10 shows with an exclusively feminin distribution from all over the world ; Sharon Evans(United States), Régine Féline(Martinique),Chloé Gabrielli (France), Egida Soutto(Portugal) et Valérie Whittington(Guyane.)
Sharon continues story telling in specialized structures such as the EPS Paul Guiraud in Villejuif and the children's ward in the Robert Débré Hospital. She also organized several workshops with the neurological patients in the Albert-Chenevier Hospital, as well as story telling in individual patient's rooms twice monthly for a year.
Sharon participated in the festival Transgratt (77) as a singer, musician and story teller, accompanied by the students of the Moissy-Cramayel conservatory.
Sharon Evans, Patrick Fischmann and Pascal Fauliot created a unique evening of Native American story telling for 1,2 or 3 voices.
Henri Gougaud invited Sharon to open several of his shows.
Sharon was selected from many candidates to participate in the following professionally organized auditions for story tellers : Paroles de Conteurs (Vassivières), Mission Départementale Aveyron Culture, Le Livre et la Lecture de Gard, Contes et Rencontres à Marjevols, Bib 77, Val Média (94), Cible 95, Collectif Scènes (77), Le Plate-forme du Conte (Abbeville) et Rapatonadas (Aurillac).
Sharon regularly conducts story-telling workshops for adults. She has worked with the Espace Jemmapes, the MJC of Thorigny,as well as with several amateur story telling groupsin the Calvados, Brittany, the Aveyron and Paris.
For two years (for the Centre Mandapa), Sharon participated in weekly extracuricular activities using story telling to introduce school children to Native American cultures. She also directed a class of young adolescents for four months as they worked together on an original story. The final show included dancing and singing as well as story telling. More recently, Sharon worked with kinder garden and first grade classes in the Averyon teaching Native American stories and songs. As Sharon likes to say ; "Hearing young French children singing Lakota songs gives me hope for the future".
Here are just some of a few of the places where Sharon has story told :
Fête Mondiale Du Conte (25),Festival Vallée Des Contes(68),Festival 1,2,3 Conter (Rouen),Festival International Conte et Musique Dans La Cité (Martinique), Festival du Conte en Val d'Oise (95),La Maison Carrée (64),BFM de Landouge, Biennale du livre d'histoire(56), Festival Histoires Communes (93), Bibliothèque de St Jory (31), Médiathèque les Pradettes(31)Festival A Tout Bout de Champs(12),Guingettes Éphémères (12),Festival Qu'en Dira t-on?(63),Festival Histoires Communes (93), Jardin d'Acclimatation (75), Festival Cartes Blanches des Hôpitaux de Paris, Festival Légendaire (28), Festival Vallée des Contes (68), Paroles en Festival (07 et 69), Festival des Contes d'Été (44), Festival A Bouchés Décousues (92), ,Les Petits Oreilles (95), Festival Amies Voix (41), Festival Adam et Rêve (95), Médiathèque Jacques Duhamel (94), Péniche Spectacle (35), BDP du Calvados (14), Le Tour du Conte en 80 Mondes (75), La Maison des Contes et des Histoires (75), Lire et Dire Pour le Plaisir (97), Médiathèque Villefranche de Rouergue (12),Médiathèque de La Fouillade(12), Médiathèque Amélie-Gallup (82), À la Lueur des Contes(25), Nuit du Conte (91), Meudon-la-Forêt (92), Centre Culturel Robert Margerit (87), Médiathèque André Cancellier (95), Maison Eric Satie (95), Le Krill (12), Médiathèque de Rodez(12), Espace Jemmapes (75), Médiathèque Gibjoncs (18), Bibliothèque Rives d'Auron (18), Vitry Mômes (94), Bols d'Air (81), Festival l'Été En Continu (21), Journée Mondiale du Conte (42), Festival Rendez-Vous Conte (29),Festival L'Ivresesse des Mots (59), MJC de Sceaux, Médiathèque Étienne Caux (44), Bibliothèque Anne Frank (44), Vos Oreilles Ont la Parole (67), Festival Lire,Dire et Conter (03), Tant de Paroles (58), Centre Culturel les Passerelles (77), Bibliothèque Village (94),Espace Culurel du Moulin (21), Festival du Conte à Messy (77), Cabaret Conte (94), Passeurs d'Histoires (56), Médiathèque de Meaux (77) , Aux Heures d'Été (44), Culture À Domicile (92), Caravan des livres (77), Festival des Menteurs et Diseurs de Vérité (94), Festival America (94), Festival d’Hiver (Mandapa), Festival La Petite Marmaille (85), Jardin Comédien (77), L’Astrolabe (77), Printemps des Contes et des Conteurs (93), Festival Raconte la Vie (85), Festival Nous N’Irons Pas À Avignon (94), Médiathèque Pierre et Marie Curie (92), Théâtre Caves St. Jean (75), Salon du Conte (77), Festival Mont Dauphin (05), Festival Paroles de Partout (44), Un Été à Sédières (19), Nuits de Mon Moulin (85), Bibliothèque de Valenton (94), Au Fil du Conte (17), Médiathèque Henri Michaux (93), Salle Jean Vilar (93), Festival des Tréteaux (75), Moulin À Café (75), Les Estivales de la Rivière (85) , Médiathèque d'Ivry Sur Seine (94), Médiathèque Elsa Triolet (94), Médiathèque Fernand Du Puy (94), Bibliothèque Aragon (94), Café Culturel (93), La Tribu (93), Médiathèque Jules Vallès (93), Médiathèque Centrale (93), Salle La Terrasse (91), Les Belles Histoires (77), Médiathèque Tournan en Brie (77), Péniche Anako (75), Médiathèque Margerite Yourcenar (93), Printemps des Poètes (85), Centre Municipal Saint Exupéry (94), Médiathèque Flore Tristan (92), , Médiathèque de Villenoye(77), Médiathèque Pierre Thiriot (77), Ateliers Blanc (12), Bibliothèque Anne Franck (44), Cormeilles en Parisis (95), Médiathèque Intercommunale de Châteaubriant (44), Médiathèque F.Mitterrand (51), Bibliothèque Jeunesse (51), Bibliothèque du Vésinet (78), Médiathèque José Cabanis (31), Festival C'est Dans l'Air (35), Fest'Hiver (44), Médiathèque du Pays du Mauriac (15), Bibliothèques en Fête (35), La Bout de la Queue du Drac (81),Contes et Chataîgnes(12),Médiathèque Victor Hugo(44), Au Temps du Far Quest(35),Festival Une Terre Un Ailleurs(04).