From the very beginning of the show, Sharon is able to stimulate the children's curiosity for these words that come from "somewhere else." The children rapidly become familiar with these new sounds thanks to music, songs, nursery rimes and jingles invented especially for this show. With surprising ease, English speaking children are able to spontaneously participate in the stories. "Wolf" becomes "Loup" while "Spider" repeats over and over again ; "I'm a brave spider ! Je suis courageuse!". Every time that "Lapin" finds himself surrounded by "Grass! Grass! Grass ! Nothing but grass! I'm hungry!" The children answer ; L'herbe! L'herbe! L'herbe! Que de l'herbe ! J'ai faim!"
This playful show enables children to approach a foreign language in a spontaneous way without any self consciousness.
Il était une fois - Once upon a time.
Once upon a time - Il était une fois.
Here in France - We speak Français,
But in my house, it's English every day !
Il était une fois - Once upon a time.
Once upon a time - Il était une fois.
Dogs all speak dog.
And goldfish speak fish
To speak with them all,
That's my favorite wish !
Il était une fois - Once upon a time.
Once upon a time - Il était une fois.
Brand new show ! No videos or photos for the moment.
Il Était Une Fois...Once Upon A Time.
A bilingual show in French and English for young children.

Water,Water Everywhere!
Tales and songs of water...
There are two versions :
Time : 45 minutes
Public : From 4 to 7
Time : 60 minutes
Public : all ages from 7
How does a mule save his village from drought? Why are animals dancing on the riverbed? How did the ocean become salty? All these questions and more will be broached in this show where water plays a central role.
Water is not only present as a character, but as a musical universe. The spoken word blends with songs, the sound of an ocean drum, the rhythm of a floating gourd, the haunting melody of an aquatic kalimba, the call of a conch, the tinkling of bell anklets - evoking one after the other : the surf, dancing animals, flowing rivers...
During the show, the public participates actively in the spontaneous recording of the ocean and it's environment, and become themselves the creators of a tapestry of sound.
Excerpts of Water,Water Everywhere! are only in French, for the moment
Flying Clouds Native Native American Stories for voice and music
Time : 60 minutes
Public : From 8 onwards
Native Americans know that everything on earth has a spirit;
A spirit that speaks, that listens, that tells stories.
The spirit of the Salmon tells stories of his life in the
lakes and the rivers...
The spirit of the Eagle tell stories of his life in the sky...
The spirit of Bison and Bear tell stories of their lives on the earth...
A magic drum invokes the spirit of the wind which carries these
stories, one after the other, to the waiting ears of children.
Flying Cloud is an initiation into the powerful and magical Native-
American culture, adapted for young children.
Nursery rhymes and authentic Native-American sign language
regularly punctuate poetic, and at times comical moments.
"As the powerful beating of the drum welcomed the children, we were agreably surptised at how quickly their attention was captured. Thanks to the dynamics created by alternating stories, music, songs as well as the children's active particpation, Sharon held them spellbound from the beginning to the end." .Teaching staff of the Condorcet School (94)
Excerpts of Flying Clouds in English

Time : 35 minutes
Public : 3 to 7

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